BRC Designs attacks your home décor with the Zombie furniture

Homeowners nowadays are looking for unique and unusual ways to liven up their home décor.While some people go for minimalist home furnishings, a few go for the bizarre ones.EnterBRC Designs, a design house from Spartanburg, South Carolina that has created the "zombie furniture" for unusual home décor.The furniture collection called "Risen in 30 Days" includes seats and couches that appear to be bleeding, with skin torn off to give the real zombie feel to your home's interior décor.

To create these weird furniture units, the good folks over at BRC Designs dig holes in the ground and put the plastic down.The shape for every unit differs owing to the variation in the ground.They pick out the furniture from the grave after 30 days and hence the name.Other than the zombie furniture, Caldwell has worked closely with Eric Adjetey Anang, the renowned coffin designer to create custom coffins.The pricing for "Risen in 30 Days" furniture line hasn't been listed on the company's site, so you might have to get in touch with them to get the detailed information.


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