Wrong gardening habits that might be killing your garden


Gardeningis a passion and a hobby that many people take up.This is an art that very few people master while a lot of people do.While professionals know the tricks of the trade, people who do it just for fun or to help them relax often end up making many mistakes.

A well-maintained garden is a beautiful addition to the house.The natural beauty and different colors can uplift your mood easily and leave your feeling nice.Although you do have a variety of options and garden related equipment in the market!the key to proper gardening lies in what you do with it.

The fine line between what you think is right and what is really right is as thin as a strand of hair.A little mistake here and there can prove to be disastrous.Let us check out a few of the many mistakes that people do and how to correct them.

Planting the tree deep inside


It is important to plant the tree properly so that the roots can grow and get the natural nutrition.However, there is a fine line between deep inside and really deep.While planting the tree, the hole in the ground should be sufficient enough to cover the roots and a small portion of the stem.Any more than that can hamper the growth of the tree or plant.

Placing pebbles or rocks in pots for water drainage

When you have flowers or plants in pots, it is essential that the extra water should flow out properly.Overhydration of the plants can result in them dying out easily.When you place pebbles or rocks inside the pots, you are blocking the possibility of water flowing out.Secondly, even the dirt or debris is accumulated.The extra moisture can become a breeding ground, which in turn can result in your garden getting infested by pests.

Using excessive pesticides


Plants have a natural defense system if it is maintained properly.The use of pesticides should be restricted.When you spray too much of it, the chemicals can cause a lot of damage to your plants as well.Let alone that, even the environment and the soil is contaminated because of the chemicals.Putting a little pesticide one in a month once in two months is aright.It is advisable to use natural materials like manure, fertilizers made from wet food scraps and other such things that will not harm the environment.

Moving the grass too short

A good landscape even includesmaintaining the height of the grass.The difference here is that it should not be so short that you end up having bold patches.While moving the lawn, the height of the grass should at least be 3-4 inches after cutting.This will help to prevent the bold patches and will make your landscape look good.

Using small pots for big plants


Some plants require a lot of space to grow, considering that today many of us live insmall-sized houses!it may not be feasible to have big plants.The solution that we have found- to place them in small pots.What we do not realize is by doing this we are hampering the growth of the plant in many ways.If you do want to place the particular plant, then make sure that you choose a special spot for it.

Titling the soil

One of the biggest mistakes people do is tilting the soil.This can cause damage to the roots and the plants in many ways.When you are gardening, you should never tilt the soil or make any kind of changes to it.Even if you are planning to add new mud or soil, you have to make sure that the roots are not affected because of the movement.

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