Woodskin by MammaFotogramma is both fun and functional

Woodskin by MammaFotogramma

Developed by the design team at Milan-basedMammaFotogramma, theWoodskinis a highly flexible, composite material that opens doors to new ideas and possibilities.Woodskin is a Russian plywood sheet that has been divided into small triangles to enhance its flexibility and functionality.Users can bend the Woodskin to suit their liking and create different shapes to add zing to your room décor.

Woodskin, which appears to be some exhibition piece inside an art and design gallery, is sure to start conversations when put anywhere inside your room in any shape.This malleable wooden surface is not just meant for decorative use, but it can also serve as a durable and functional surface covering system.

Woodskin by MammaFotogramma 1

Woodskin by MammaFotogramma 2

Woodskin by MammaFotogramma 3

Woodskin by MammaFotogramma 4

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