Wi-Fi enabled Blossom One coffee maker scans QR codes to brew perfect coffee

We have seen some stunning coffee makers lately, including the alien-lookingJulesand the innovativePure Coffee System.The latest with us with a difference is theBlossom One, a coffee maker that comes complete with built-in Wi-Fi and a front facing 1.3MP camera for scanning QR codes.From temperature to grind size to extraction time, the coffee connoisseurs have the freedom to adjust everything individually with Blossom One coffee maker.The QR code scanning lets users download and share brewing recipes easily and brew every cuppa coffee with utmost perfection with the available coffee beans.

Scheduled for delivery in Spring 2013, the Blossom One will be produced in a limited run and the material choices include Mahogany, Walnut, Sapele, Teak and Zebrawood.Custom materials will be made available on request.Now, this is one coffee machine fit for the "coffee geeks".


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