Why You Need To Get Rid of Pests

You Need To Get Rid of Pests

Pestscome in many forms.Household pests can be as small as cockroaches and as large as raccoons.Adult raccoons can be as large as 75 pounds.The reasons you should eradicate pests in your home include cleanliness and safety.If you see pests, it is definitely time to call in a professional company like Joshua's Pest Control.You can find them athttps://joshuaspestcontrol.com/locations/san-diego/.To be more explicit, the five reasons listed below will enlighten you with complete details.

Number One

cockroachThe cockroach is known for its having inhabited every known quadrant of the earth.That means no matter what the temperature of the region, the cockroach can thrive.The cockroach is dangerous to humans because it carries bacteria and viruses.After consuming everything from discarded and rotting food to fecal matter, the cockroach will store remnants of what they've eaten for months or even years.Consequently, once consumed, roaches can spread streptococcus, staphylococcus, and salmonella.

If your home or office is infested with the cockroach, you are susceptible to contracting any disease they are carrying as they regurgitate and defecate everywhere they travel.They can deposit their leavings in food left in open containers, on countertops, and in open dishes.These bacteria and viruses have a life span of one hour to a few months.

Number Two

Mice and roaches commonly infest homes as they can enter through openings as small as a ¼ inch.Once they are inside, they multiply quickly.Mice have a gestation period of 19 to 21 days and get pregnant up to 10 times a year.They have litters as large as 14 pups.That means a male and a female could enter your home and in a year, they alone could multiple into 142 mice living in your home.

Mice are very destructive.They have been known to start house fires by chewing electrical wires.In fact, mice and rats will chew anything in an effort to build their nests.They will chew wires, insulation, books, newspaper, leather, paintings, clothing, etc.

Number Three


Termites will eat anything made of cellulose.That includes trees and anything made of wood, like paper.Your home is in great danger if it is infested with termites as the value of it will greatly decrease just by their presence.A termite infested home will not sell if a mortgage is required in order for the buyers to afford the property.The property will not pass the mandatory termite inspection.The reason the termite inspection is mandatory is because of the destruction they can cause.

Termites can damage the foundation of your home as well as areas under carpeting and in walls and ceilings where they may establish colonies.Termites are attracted to damp areas with gaps where they can enter easily.With over 50 species of termites living in North America, and each queen laying over 1,000 eggs a year, if your home is susceptible to termites, it probably will attract them.They are much too abundant for your home to be impervious to them unless you have a regular inspection throughout the life of your home.

Number Four

Ants are commonly problematic in southern regions.Carpenter antscan be especially destructive.Carpenter ants will burrow inside the wood.They will also hide inside crevices, walls, and ceilings in an effort to make their nests.While termites leave mounds of dust or dirt out in the open, carpenter ants keep their environment clean and polished.

Number Five

wildlife tracking and removal companyRaccoons and snakes are the least common pests found in homes.They can be quite destructive and scary to your home's inhabitants.Raccoons enter through a pet door, fireplace or chimney.They may also enter through the basement or crawlspace under the home.They may also come in through an open door or window.When these animals enter, they are simply seeking shelter.If you attempt to remove them, they may attack in an attempt to defend themselves.At this point, you can attempt to remove them, but the best course of action is to call a wildlife tracking and removal company.They will remove the wildlife humanely and swiftly.

The pest your space is infested with can be removed if you apply consistent and effective methods long enough.You will be free of the potential exposure to disease and property destruction.Plus, your family and friends will no longer be exposed to possible physical harm from animal or insect bites.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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