Why waste space, opt for multipurpose furniture


Owing to the current day apartments, the utilization of multipurpose/multifunctional furniture is very much in vogue.Especially apt for the space-challenged urbanities, such transformative furniture pieces work wonders in making the hectic modern standard of living much easier to manage.Storage space in city apartments is the best luxury that one can have.

How often one desires the furniture in taking up less space, as in small apartments there is not ample space.Space-saving and functional furniture are an ideal way in this situation.Thus in today's era, one is on the lookout for furniture, which stores objects and simultaneously provides different surfaces to perform different tasks.In this article, we have discussed five of the best multipurpose furniture.

Wardrobe and sauna:

Designed and created by Anna Van Der Lei, this multipurpose furniture comprises of a twin combination of a sauna and a wardrobe.The two have been combined beautifully for meeting the needs of the small modern spaces.The general need has provoked the concept behind the design.

Spider tool:

This is an effective folding tool, comprised of a prism, which joins the stool together.Designed by the famous Lonut Predescu, this furniture piece has folding legs made of cast dark aluminium.It is lightweight and can be folded into a handy compact size.

Compact cardboard furniture:

This foldable utility furniture is both durable and green.The compact modular furniture is made from corrugated cardboard and comes in five flat pieces, which can be joined with wood glue.It is lightweight, highly durable, Eco friendly and comes with recycled polypropylene finishing.

Land Peal:

This is an altogether different concept in the fact that it folds out rather than folding in.Crafted by Shin Yamashita, an inhabitant of Japan, this multipurpose furniture has 3 parts of flat mats from which one can make a table, a rest or a seat by lifting the panels.Similarly, when the panels are not in use, these can be put inwards.The Land Peal is apt for studying, reading a book and watching TV.

The Ramsa sofa:

This is indeed a boon for all lazy bones.Designed by Younes Duret, the Ramsa sofa is a levitating sofa cum bookcase that will help one in grabbing their favourite book from their comfort zone.One will no longer have to get up for greeting their admired authors, rather grab their knowledge via a single move.


By possessing multipurpose furniture, one can benefit in different ways untold.The best part about them is that such furniture units have an aesthetic appearance and are highly durable and resistant.

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