Why Does My Heater Blow Cold Air?

Why Does My Heater Blow Cold Air

Learning how to troubleshoot different problems with your HVAC system is a skill that every homeowner should have.For instance, you need to know what it means when the heater blows cold air instead of the expected warm air.This could be an indication of various things discussed below.You need to know what could lead to such an issue to understand how to respond accordingly.The tips below can help get you started in the right direction.However, its always best to get a diagnosis from an HVAC technicianwhen you need a heating repair.(Orange County's Absolute Airflow).

The Furnace is Yet to Warm Up


There is a possibility that the heater blew cold air because it is yet to heat up and warm the house as it usually would.This is likely to happen when you first turn on the heater after a long season of staying unused.Rather than panic, give it a few minutes to heat up.You should consider it a different problem only if it continues to blow cold air after 15 minutes.

Incorrect Thermostat Setting

The thermostat controls most of the activities of the unit.Once you notice that the heater is not performing as it should, you need to stop at the thermostat first.There is a possibility that the thermostat is not set for the season.You may experience this more towards the end of one season or when entering a different season.If the vents are blowing air then, the air may be cold because you still have the thermostat set for summer weather.

Change the setting from On to Auto in winter.Re-setting it will force the fan to keep blowing air even when the furnace is not on.However, when set ion Auto, both the fan and furnace come on simultaneously, which is what you want.If making the necessary adjustments does not lead to any changes, the furnace may be compromised.Call an HVAC professional to inspect the problem.

Dirty Furnace Filter

Furnace Filter

Furnace filters trap dust and dirt from around the house.Theyneed to be replaced regularlyto avoid over-clogging.When filters clog, airflow is restricted, and in turn, the furnace tends to overheat and turn off.What follows will be a furnace blowing cold air.You can handle this on your own.Switch off the furnace when trying to remove the filter from the furnace.Besides that, changing the filters is a great way to protect the heat exchanger from damage inexpensively.It can be expensive to repair or replace the furnace heat exchanger.

Overheating Furnace

There are several reasons why your furnace may overheat.One of these is because of the buildup of debris and dirt.When furnaces are clogged, they restrict airflow and force the furnace to shut down after overheating.Mechanical damages can also cause furnaces to overheat.Regular wear and tear can cause furnaces to overheat when one of the furnace components fails to work correctly.This happens mostly with old furnaces.Also, as the furnace ages, it tends to overheat and may require a new replacement.After all, furnaces are not meant to last forever.When the furnace overheats, it will shut off and keep blowing cold air temporarily.

Final Thoughts

Heaters blow cold air for different reasons.It helps to understand the potential cause to know if it is something you can fix without the intervention of a professional.The causes range from simple to complex and require different fixes.However, when unsure of what to do, call the professional HVAC technician to assist.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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