Transformative Aged Care bed offers comfort and privacy to the elderly

Innovation is not just about offering advanced technologies or luxurious designs!it is also about finding solutions that comfort those who need it the most.For the elderly citizens, who live at aged care facilities privacy, a chance to interact with friends and close relatives is nothing less than a luxury.

Transformative Aged Care bed (2)

Keeping this in mind the Transformative Aged Care Bed has been designed to afford them both comfort and privacy.The unique design of the Transformative Aged Care effectively changes the atmosphere of a room and offers the privilege of sitting and chatting with friends.

Care is about well-being

The Transformative Aged Care bed has been developed by Clint Graham of Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.He conceived the idea of this bed for the elderly individuals, when the problem regarding lack of privacy was brought to his attention by a reputed Australian aged care facility.

The motto of designing the Transformative Aged Care was to give the elderly people the privacy they need.In most aged facilities the rooms are cramped and there is no space for any other furniture than the bed.This makes socializing next to impossible for the aged persons and they feel lonely.

The Transformative Aged Care bed transforms into a sofa easily so that the elderly individuals can talk with their family members in the comfort of their room or entertain a guest or simply read a book sitting.The designer has given importance to both the physical and psychological wellbeing of aged individuals while creating it.

Fruit of hard work and research

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It took significant amount of research and consultation with the aged care provider and the staffs of the facility for developing the Transformative aged Care bed.The designer focused on important factors like safety, ease of use, comfort and aesthetic appeal for developing it.Several ideas were generated and improvised with the help of feedback before reaching the final design.

The mattress cover system and overall design was selected with the help of evaluation metrics.Small scale prototyping has helped the designer in refining the design to make it marketable.

How is the Transformative Aged Care different?

The Transformative Aged Care bed offers a comfortable bed which can seamlessly transform into a luxurious sofa where more than two people can sit and chat.Converting the bed into a sofa does not take much effort and it opens up more space inside the room.The pop up switch unit and pulley driven timing belt make the transition easier.

Transformative Aged Care bed has made it possible for the elderly people living in aged care facilities to entertain their guests and interact with family or friends.It offers privacy and comfort for their mental well being.

Source : Jamesdysonaward.Org

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