Top ways to make sure your house is safe when you're away

house is safe

Do you travel a lot or like to go in distant locations for your off time or vacations?Are you generally afraid of leaving your property unattended?If the answer is yes to both those questions and even just one of them, you are probably very worried when you go on vacation.It's understandable how it can be equally worrisome and infuriating.You get so few chances to take some time off from work, and now that you're finally away on a beach somewhere or doing what you enjoy, you can't stop thinking about your home and how it could become the target of robbery.If that's not at all what you're thinking, it should be.Houses are very vulnerable when there's no one home, and thieves know this.

Should I just cancel my vacation plans or business meeting and stay home to protect the property?


Definitely not!That would be a very counterproductive way of managing your time and resources.You can go make great deals or enjoy a vacation and take care of your property at the same time.The secret is to prepare ahead of time so that when you actually leave, everything is set up and your house is protected.

That sounds neat but how do you do something like that?

No worries, as we have you covered.If you're interested in finding out how you can bolster yourhome defensewhile you're away without having to invest ridiculous amounts of money, all you have to do is keep reading.In fact, you can probably take care of everything there is to handle regarding your departure in a day.However it's best if you take more time to handle everything and don't just rely on the day before you leave to get everything sorted out.We are going to give you some great tips on how to make sure your home will be safe and sound while you're away, until you return.

Constant monitoring

Just because you're away doesn't mean that there should be no one looking over the house.It's preferred to have some sort of homesecurity systemsin place so that you may directly monitor your home from wherever you are.However, having someone go over from time to time and check out on things is still a very effective solution.You can even hire someone (called a home sitter) to go to your house every X days and make sure everything is ok.You can even have them take care of your pets or plants, and pick up your mail, which brings us to the next point of interest.

Suspend your subscriptions and interrupt mail

One of the biggest tells for thieves that a house is empty is the fact that mail is piling up at the front door and in the mailbox, with magazines and bills from weeks or months prior just overflowing.That's how they know that you haven't been home to pick up your mail for a long time, meaning that they can just go in and take what they want.That's why it's important to suspend your subs and interrupt your mail so that you don't get any while you're away.It will also save you some money since you don't have to pay for things you can't enjoy anyway.

Don't tweet that it's open season for your house

social media

Nowadays, people absolutely love to rush to social media and let their friends and acquaintances, even their grandparents' neighbors and everyone in the next state over, about what they're doing.If you're one of these people, you might be tempted to Tweet or write on Facebook about your upcoming trip, but you might be letting a thief know that your place is up for grabs.Keep the info to yourself, for the sake of your own home.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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