Tips on Modular Kitchen Design and Materials

Unlike older times, kitchens have now become the center of attraction of a house.And this has become possible with the advent of modular kitchens.Though there are many companies that make modular kitchens now, there are certain things to keep into consideration while installing one in your home.

Design of the modular kitchen

This is one of the most important factors to be considered.Modular kitchens come in ‘L' shape, ‘U' shape as well as in parallel or island style.Depending on the area that is available in the kitchen, the design of the modular kitchen should be fixed.Amodular kitchen expertcan guide you as to which kitchen design will be most suitable for the space.

Lighting arrangements in the kitchen

It is very important to ensure that the kitchen is well lit as it is a place where food is cooked and served.During the daytime, sunlight can keep the kitchen bright with ample light, but during the evening, lights will be required.However, if your apartment does not get light during daytime too, lighting in the kitchen will be needed all throughout the day.Install lights at proper places so that every corner of the kitchen remains illuminated.Also the color of the walls in the kitchen should be in lighter shades for optimum light reflection.


Keeping the distances and heights in mind

A modular kitchen is installed as it makes working in the kitchen easy and convenient.Therefore, while installing the wall cabinets, see that they are at comfortable height so that you can reach to the top shelf in the cabinet without any problem.Also the distance of the refrigerator from the oven and distance of the sink from the cooking range should be short so that you do not need to move a lot to carry out works in the kitchen.

Materials to be used in the countertop and in the cabinets

Your budget will play a pivotal role in deciding the material that can be used in the kitchen countertop.Though marble and granite are preferred choices, they are pretty high on the budget.Instead of these, black limestone is a popular choice as it is pocket-friendly and has good looks as well.

For the cabinets, shelves and drawers, the material should be strong and durable as well as fire and water resistant.Kitchen steel with powder coating is used in many kitchens for the cabinets etc.Apart from this!wooden cabinets with lamination are also used in many kitchens.They can be polished from time to time to retain their luster and color.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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