Three Ways to Brighten Up the Home Library


Having a home library is a wonderful thing.Reading is favorite pastime for many people, so having an area in your home to read and store books is a real pleasure.But sometimes, home libraries are tucked away in areas of the home that don't get much natural light.Today, we are going to learn some tips that will help you brighten up your home library so that you can enjoy it more.

Bring in Some Candles


A great way to bring in some light to your home library and make it smell wonderful is with candles.Companies likeFrostbeard Studioand others not only make great smelling long lasting candles!they also make special candles for those who love to read!By adding a few candles to your library, you can set the mood for reading and you will once again fall in love with the written word.But, always make sure that you practicecandle safetyand never leave a burning candle unattended.If children or pets are going to be in the library, keep those candles up high and out of reach.

Utilize LED Lights

If your library has older traditional lighting, you may have trouble reading.Because many traditional lighting fixtures don't produce enough light, they are not the best for this area of the home.Instead, you can install some bright LED lights that will help you see better and keep you from straining your eyes.Some LED lights can be easily installed without the need for an electrician, while others will require a professional's help.So, make sure that you know which type of LED lighting you are purchasing so that you can plan accordingly.LED lightingis also much cheaper to operate and will save you some money on your power bill.They are also better for the environment and will not need to be replaced as often as traditional bulbs.

Use Brighter Paint


Another trick that can make your library appear brighter is by painting the walls with mid-tone paint.A room that doesn't have a lot of natural light will look much better if the wall colors are brighter.While white and grey walls are great in a well-lit room, they won't reflect light if the room is darker.This is why you should repaint your library to give it a brighter look.The best part is, you can do the job yourself without the need to hire a professional painter.Just pick a weekend that you are free and in just a few hours the work will be done.

These tips will help make your home library brighter and more comfortable.So, if you are having a hard time reading in your library, make sure to use some of these tips to brighten it up.Remember that candles can provide some nice light for reading and if you need a stronger light source, you can add some LED lights.Once you have the proper lighting, you can brighten up the room even more with a mid-tone shade of paint.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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