These Must-Have Focal Points Will Complete Your Home Decor

These Must-Have Focal Points Will Complete Your Home Decor

Your home decor is not complete until you have a focal point or centerpiece that finishes the design.Every part of your home needs that attention-grabbing element.

People often shy away from a truly bold touch because the budget doesn't stretch far enough to get the piece you really want for the space.It is understandable.Unexpected things happen with a big home project.All too often, the budget ends long before the project does.That is where acash advancecan really come in handy.

Let's face it: If you don't finish the project while you are in the process of doing it, you might never finish it.There will be that one little thing that plagues you the entire time you live in your home.You need to get it done while you have a full head of steam.Use a little emergency financing to get you over the finish line.

You might try something big and obvious like a sofa to set the space off.But unless it is truly unique, it will not be much of a focal point because it is so common and expected.Start with the outside of your house and consider the following suggestions:

1.A Water Feature

Water Feature

If there is more than one house for sale in your neighborhood, you can win the attention lottery by adding a nice water feature right out front.Buyers will see and be drawn to that water featureeven before they notice anything else about the property.There is no end to the creative water feature ideas you can use.Best of all, water features are a lot less expensive than you think.If you get people to fall in love with the outside of your house, they will already have their mind set on buying when they get inside.

2.Creative Coffee Tables

Origami is always interesting to look at.Anorigami-inspired coffeetable will be downright mesmerizing.There are coffee tables that can double as extra seating, or look like building blocks or that remind you of giant legos.When it comes to creativity, a coffee table is a blank canvas.Many of the most creative artisans do amazing things with that simple piece of furniture.The couch has to be extremely functional.The coffee table doesn't even have to be good at holding coffee.It is more of a centerpiece than a utility.Think about making the coffee table your new living room focal point.

3.A Canopy


You spend more time in your bedroom than any other room.And your bed is the most used piece of furniture you have.Despite that, the bedroom is often the most uninteresting room in the house.Why not liven it up with a canopy over the bed?If you have a 4-poster bed, you have what you need for a canopy.But you don't actually need that kind of bed to make a canopy work.You can hang one from the ceiling.There are many canopies made specifically for that purpose.A simple canopy can give the bedroom the focal point it deserves.

4.Photos and Fruit Trays

What do photos and fruit trays have in common?They make great focal points for kitchens.Everyone in the family goes into the kitchen multiple times per day to get something from the fridge.Put up a new family photo or vacation photo every few days and give them a reason to stop and actually look at what's on the refrigerator rather than only having eyes for what's in the refrigerator.

Displays of fresh fruit are artful, functional, and delicious.Many fruits are full of natural sugar and that can still be a problem.But it is a lot better than the alternative of junk food that might otherwise be consumed.With the proper deployment of a fresh fruit display in your kitchen, you accomplish drawing the eye to something worth seeing and possibly diverting a member of the family to something healthy and away from something less healthy.That is a focal point worth having.

No home or room in a home is complete without a worthy focal point.Water features, unique coffee tables, canopies, photos, and fruit displays certainly fit the bill.These are not only nice finishing touches, they are extremely affordable.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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