Things to Know Before Taking Your Home Off the Grid

Goingoff the gridis no more a rarity.Irrespective of their location or occupations, homeowners who care about the environment are breaking myths and making a conscious effort towards self-sufficient living.Since going off the grid involves a major lifestyle overhaul, you need to make timely preparations to ensure a smooth and convenient transition for yourself and your loved ones.If joining the bandwagon while staving off the issues is your priority, then the article is for you.

Determine your needs

A self-sufficient living is only possible if you start from the basics.Your priority has to be drawing a line between needs and luxuries.The basic human needs are food, water, housing and sanitation, and rest is all luxury.Whether you are living in the wilderness or a cozy apartment in a busy business district, you should make an effort to match your lifestyle to the basic necessities.The transition is long and tedious one, so do not expect overnight results.Thereby, patience, persistence and determination will be your best allies.

Ensure water quality

Availing water from municipal supply may not be an option for you.Resultantly, you have to make efforts to get constant water supply from alternative resources like wells, ponds, rivers or rain harvesting.If you prefer water from the well, then take help of appropriate local authorities to identify the best place to dig.This will help you save time and money.However, ensure that the water you are bringing to your living space is fit for human consumption.It is advisable to get the water sample checked from certified labs!failing which, you are jeopardizing your health and wellbeing.

Engage in cultivation

Those preferring off the grid living should be self-reliant when it comes to food production.You need to engage in cultivation of your own fruits and vegetables to sustain yourself and your loved ones.As well, this will serve as a hedge against any public shortage or steep price hike.If your property lacks an arable land, then opt for greenhouses.A greenhouse will help you get a better harvest twice of thrice a year, depending upon the crop you prefer growing.Moreover, acquiring and planting a sizeable garden patch with active involvement of your friends can be a viable option.

Ensure constant power supply

ok for solar system

Right from illuminating your living spaces to food preparation, you rely on electricity for majority of tasks.When you pursue off grid living, getting your own power source is apparent.Like most of homeowners and commercial property owners in the US are doing, go solar and ensure reliable and clean power supply without bothering about exorbitant bills.

However, going solar may involve hefty investments initially but they will prove cost effective in the long run.Moreover, it will be in your best interest to minimize your power consumption.Using the good old fireplaces for keeping your homes warm instead of electric heaters is an ideal way of curbing your power usage.

Get rid of the cable

One reason why individuals prefer off the grid living is to devote more time to their passions that went unattended in the normal course of life.Since cable TV can be a hindrance, prefer ditching it at the earnest.The time you otherwise spend in watching television can be used for pursuing your passions and self improvement endeavors.To keep yourself updated on news and current events, you can always rely on newspapers and internet.

If off the grid living is calling you, prefer going one step at a time.This will allow you to tackle issues that might crop up during the transition.

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