Some cost effective Wall Art ideas for stunning decor


When it comes to decorating your house, you often make cost estimates for the furniture and lighting.Decorating or remodeling is considered expensive but with a little innovation and imagination you can make your rooms look fab without spending the extra bucks.The walls of your home can speak volumes about the person you are and your personal style and likings.You can give a unique personality to your walls by decorating them with some care.Wall decoration can be done without hiring the services of professionals.Wall decorating DIY projects can be fun and you can experiment with colors and textures of different sorts.When the walls of your home are not pained and they are not adorned in any way, your home doesn't exude charm or warmth.The rooms look vacant despite of being packed with furniture.Paying attention to this essential part of your house can change the way each room looks.

Capture Time and Frame It

Collect all the memorable photos of your childhood and make a collage.You can make three to four different collages for each different room.You can select a central theme behind every collage.The next best thing you can do is get the perfect frame for the picture collage.Think out of the box and get photo frames in the shapes of old windows and triangles.If you have a photo which means a lot to you then you may get it enlarged and frame it in a big sized yet simple rectangular frame.Get the wall painted in a color which suits the mood of the photo.This way you will be able to make a clear and elegant statement.


Flower Power

Pictures of well drawn flowers can enhance the brilliance of your pastel hued walls.There are many ways in which you can get flowers on your walls.Take beautiful blossoms of your choice and get them framed on the walls in a group of 4 or 6.If art is your thing and you love to paint then you may try drawing a floral design on your walls.Bright flowers on nude walls can totally change their appearance.

Get Creative

You may take up many little DIY projects to make your walls come alive.Buy different sized buttons in plenty and sew them on a fabric of your choice.The sewing pattern can be anything from a little bird to the first letter of your name.You can do the same thing with beads.The fabric and the beads/ buttons should be in contrasting colors.You can also use beautifully patterned cups and dishes to decorate the walls.You can buy some plate hangers and hooks for holding cups from your nearby hardware store and get them fixed on pastel hued ribbons.

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