Small Details That Make A Difference In Open House Events

Open House Events

Arranging a really greatopen houseevent is not as easy as you might think.You are obviously going to do all the important things like de-cluttering, cleaning orfixing plumbing problems.However, if you want to drastically increase the possibility of selling the home, you need to go the extra mile.

Real estate agents always recommend that you put yourself in the shoes of the buyer.The question you want to ask yourself is: what makes mebuy my house fast St Louis?In many cases the answer is in the details.

After tackling the large projects, you need to dress up the home.Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Entry Way And Front Yard


  • The lawn has to be well-maintained and mowed.Hiring someone to do this for you is normally a great idea as it offers better results.
  • Plant colorful, bright flowers.
  • Replace faded, old numbers with brand new ones.
  • Paint your front door.
  • Replace old, grungy welcome mats with new ones.
  • Clean gutters.

Living Room

Living Room

  • Try to remove larger furniture like sectional sofas.
  • Disguise chairs and sofas when in bad shape with luxurious throws or slipcovers.
  • Arrange the furniture so afocal pointis created.
  • Make sure furniture is not pressed against walls.



  • Remove the photographs and magnets from your refrigerator.
  • Add some stylish accessories and try to create a great theme.
  • Make sure countertops are cleared off, except essentials.
  • Greenery can be used to fill empty corners or add some color to the kitchen.



  • The master bedroom is really important.It needs to not have workplaces or everyday things.
  • Rent or buy bed frames if the mattresses sit on your floor.
  • Everyday bedding should be covered with something luxurious or throws that are very nice.Not much money needs to be spent since you can find many in discount stores.



  • Everyday towels should be replaced with brand new ones.Do the same with your soap and shower curtains.
  • Use silk flower arrangements and candles to dress up spaces.
  • Remove toiletries and put them in storage containers.That makes them really easy to access and still be away fast whenever the open house is planned.



This is a part of the home that is so often forgotten but many will want to see it.Remember to do the following:

  • Clean the entire space.This part of the property should not be a place where you dump everything you do not need.
  • Try to add furniture like 2 chairs and a nice bistro table.
  • The backyard should be staged as an entertainment place.Add some lemonade.

Final Thoughts

You need to do all that you can in order to make your home a pleasure to see.The very best option is always the one that is simple.Try not to go for something too complex.You want to make the home look great without going overboard.This is not too difficult to do if you put yourself in the shoes of the interested shopper.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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