SKTelecom B Box Offers TV Viewers at Home an Integrated Brand experience Design

The usual television set-top box may soon have a replacement in the form ofsmart B Box that SK Telecom has introduced.This project intends to give an outstanding TV viewing experience to families so they do not stick to a product-focused set-top box and move towards an experience-focused product.Check out what all this B Box brings with it.

Appearance and usefulness of B Box

SKTelecom B Box  (1)

B Box appears stylish and modern with its sophistical aluminum and ceramic design.The box and the remote are both beautifully designed to be smooth, sleek, and minimalistic.Thus, they are comfortable to use.The entire configuration of the box is amazingly clean.

While it is a television system, it works as a home communication hub that is designed to enhance the human connection.It can strengthen your family bond and promote communication among family members through its home multimedia services.It also acts on making your home a smart and connected place.Rather than watching simple content, you can now get much more out of your set-top box.

Elements of an integrated brand experience design

SK Telecom B Box aims at providing the best brand experience that is fulfilled through the way it is designed.While it has elements like a family board and videophone for delivering differentiated services, it also offers simple and user-based GUI and UX.You will not find a complex structure to deal with, but will have a well-configured screen that the entire family can handle.You can control your TV well with a simple remote control.All these elements coordinate to offer a harmonious, communicative, and considerate design that brings brand value to B Box.

SKTelecom B Box  (2)

In addition to the above, there are other elements like Internet, home automation, shopping, and home communication.As the system's videophone lets you connect to your family living far away, its Internet option also lets you access varied content on a big TV screen.Similarly, your family bonds well when you shop together with just a TV and remote, as well as connect your entire home to this device and access it from a distance through home automation features.

The integrated system

When all the above aspects merge into a single unit, it becomes a B Box.This integrated system not only connects homes and humans through multimedia services, but also acts as a central hub to do this.By acting as soft mood lighting in the center of home, it actually symbolizes being a hub.It aims at delivering a unique brand experience through every little aspect, including the use of branded font, color, function icons, smooth and glossy 3D media material, package, user interface, flexible shape, and graphic motifs.

With a user-friendly structure, customizable widgets, andseveral multimedia services elements, B Box acts as a hub in your smart home that can connect you well with content, as well as your family.

Source : Behance.Net

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