Simple Ways to Mix Colors and Patterns in Your Home

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There is no trick to perfect your interior designing skills.It all has to do with precise measurements, specific proportions and last minute substitutions for your results to be successful.You can apply the same for working with different colors and patterns for your home.While there is no secret formula for success here, there are some simple tips that would be useful for you along the way.Check them out below.

Check the Envelope, Content and Details

In any room, you would find the visual component made of three basic elements.These include the envelope, which comprise the wall color, ceiling color, window treatments and floor covering.Then there are contents, which include the case goods and the upholstered furniture.Finally, you have the details, which would include the lighting, artwork and other decorative items.Therefore, while you would want to add some pattern and color to all of these elements, you could start by simply working on infusing patterns into one element while leaving the other two more neutral.For instance, you can opt for patterned walls or ceiling and leave the contents and details neutral to make each element stand out uniquely in the room.

Balance the Smallest with the Largest

Balancing the textiles and patterns can be a hard task.So ensure that you sort out the samples and patterns according to where you are going to use them in the room.This way, you would know which patterns work well with others and so on.A simple trick here is to opt for the simplest and smallest patterns for the larger pieces and the more complex patterns on smaller ones.

Be Prepared to Experiment

Experimentation is the key here, as you put together patterns to see if they match well.Varying the scale of the differing fabrics would be an advantage, as you work through the small, medium and large-scale patterns.Consider using solids and textures to add more depth to the collection as well as a vibrant background for the patterns to play against.A nice trick here would be to shop for additional items and then sort through the pile until you derive the perfect mix.

Be Impactful and Intimate at the Same Time

Pattern mixing is a great way to make your room look intimate and impactful at the same time.While large, splashy patterns would create an impact right from the entrance, smaller and more subtle patterns would create the necessary intimacy to draw the visitor.For instance, having a rather large, pattered wall would catch the visitor's attention right at the doorstep.However, the smaller patterns would generate enough curiosity and interest to explore further.Consider adding a unique blend of both large and small patterns in the room to achieve both designs.This would indeed help you perfect the art of mixing and matching patterns for your home.

Let us take another example to understand all these ideas in one concept.You can work on simple envelopes by opting for mid to dark gray walls for a minimalistic background.Hang silk drapery around the main seating area to give visitors a dramatic entrance and opt to add some striking fabrics at regular intervals throughout the room in order to move the eye around.For example, velvet upholstery on the dining table, subtle flannel on the captain's chair and printed textiles on the furnishings.Simply follow these instructions!you would end up with an eye-catching room within no time.


Mixing and matching patterns is not that hard a task provided you are ready to spend time and effort to experiment a bit.There is no secret formula for getting the perfect mix.So take it easy and start slow with these tips to perfect the art of mixing and matching patterns.

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