Shredded Elle Decor magazines get a new life as furniture pieces

Jens Praet Shredded Magazines Furniture_01

Showcased last week at Design Miami 2012, "Shredded" is a collection of four pieces of furniture – a table, a bench, bookcase, and low table – created with shredded magazines.To create the furniture line, Belgian designerJens Praethas collaborated with Elle Magazine, and has used around 64 kg of discarded Elle Decor magazines to turn them into furniture units using clear resin and molds.The Shredded table alone has been made with 26 kg of leftover magazines.

These eye-catching furniture units are a perfect example of upcycling something into something useful, which would have otherwise ended up in a landfill.Studio Jens Praet is located in Panzano in Chianti, a small town near Firenze in Italy.


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