Serving Your Guests Delectable Cocktails for Any Occasion

Delectable Cocktails for Any Occasion

Whether it's a holiday party with your friends and family or just a time of coming together to talk and enjoy the company of friends, nothing tops off a party at your home likecocktailsthat you make on your own.You can make cocktails with everything fromflavoured syrupto fresh fruits depending on the types of cocktails that you want to make and the types of appetizers that you want to serve.Try to make cocktails that coincide with the time of year when you're hosting the party, such as beverages that are light and refreshing for the summer months and those that have a bit more spice to them in the winter months or for holiday celebrations.

1.Mint Mojitos

Mint Mojitos

A light and refreshingdrinkthat can be served at any time of the year is a mojito.If you're serving the cocktail in the winter, then add a few cranberries with the green mint leaves and lime wedges.Other components of the cocktail include white rum, soda water, and sugar.Monin Kiwi Syrup can be added for more flavor along with kiwi slices to maintain the green color in the drink.Mixed in the right way, there's a nice blend of sweet and sour flavors that make this a delightful beverage to enjoy with appetizers that include pasta, sandwiches, or small pizzas.

2.Classic Flavors

If you want to make something simple for a small gathering, then make screwdrivers to serve to your guest.All you need to combine is orange juice and vodka in tall glasses, serving with ice for a chilled drink.Monin Mandarin Syrup can be used along with the orange juice to enhance the flavors in the cocktail.Tall slender glasses are often best for serving this drink to your guests to that they can see the striations of the orange juice and the syrup as they mix with the vodka.You could prepare appetizers with chocolate, such as covered strawberries or mousse.

3.Crisp Winter Mule

Crisp Winter Mule

Many parties take place during the holiday season.A tasty cocktail that you can make that can include a little spice is a Crisp Winter Mule.You can serve the beverage in a clear mug or in a sparkling mug to blend with the festive holiday lights and decorations at the party.Combine 1 1/2 ounces of vodka, 1/2 ounce of Monin Winter Citrus Syrup, 1/2 ounce orange juice, 1/2 ounce lime juice, and 3 ounces of ginger beer in a shaker.Make sure you add ice to the shaker.Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice before adding a cinnamon stick and a slice of orange.You'll also add a sparkling beverage to fill the glass.Cheese ball bites would be a nice appetizer to pair with this festive beverage.

4.Taste of New York

Take your guests to the Big Apple by making a Manhattan.This is arecipeto consider starting with if you haven't made many cocktails in the past.You'll combine 2 oz.of bourbon, 1/2 oz.of vermouth, and a dash of bitters in a shaker with ice.Put more ice cubes in the glass along with a cherry and a mandarin orange slice.

5.Maui Island Breeze

Maui Island Breeze

For all of the summer parties that you host, there's nothing like a cocktail that takes you to the islands.The Maui Island Breeze is a simple beverage that only uses a few ingredients.Combine vodka, orange juice or orange syrup, cranberry juice, and pineapple juice in a large pitcher.Try to get the ingredients as balanced as possible so that one flavor doesn't overwhelm another.Garnish each glass with a pineapple slice and a cherry.Shrimp bites or watermelon skewers are appetizers that would blend well with this beverage as they have flavors that coincide with the island theme.Seabreeze Cocktail Punch is a similar beverage that you can make that combines vodka, lime juice, and fresh lime slices.You'll also add Monin Blood Orange Syrup or orange juice to the cocktail for added sweetness so that the drink isn't too sour.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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