Season Lamps offer a warm glow like snow lanterns

Season Lamps

Lighting is one of the most essential parts of the home decor  and if chosen rightly, it can enhance the interior of even an average space!otherwise it can simply ruin even the most sparkling interiors.Drawing inspiration from snow lanterns, designerJomi Evers Solheimhas come up with innovative lamp shades that are sure to boost your interior decoration.Hailed as "Season Lamps," the creative lighting is made using Porcelain and oak, which gives an organic shape to lamps.

Though the snow has great construction properties at the right temperature, but it is a transient substance and cannot hold the shape for longer period.To offer a permanent form to the Season Lamps, designer inverted the profiles in plaster molds and casted in porcelain to make them transparent.Identify with long and cold Nordic winters, the translucent porcelain lamps illuminate like the snow lanterns to offer a gentle, warm glow to set the mood.

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