Sam Linders' Wobble Up presents 3D shapes to become wobbling sitting spots

Showcased in the Dutch Design Week this year, the Wobble Up is a unique concept by design graduate Sam Linders.The Wobble-up would contribute towards the beauty of your home décor along with being a modular utility.

The concept

Sam Linders' Wobble Up (2)

The Wobble-up is a two in one project that was created by Sam as a graduation project.This is an embroidered mat, which transforms into a modular sitting system.The sitting is created out of mechanically punched plastic sheets as its base.To give the user comfort and the carpet an aesthetic appeal, it is embroidered with jersey yarn.

Each mat has four squares, three white and one colored.There are two Velcro's on each mat, so that the mat could be transformed in to a seat easily.Also, with the help of the Velcro one can connect different mats with each other.

Let us say four such mats are attached and arranged on the floor.It depends upon the choice of the user a variety of design patterns may be created.When the user wishes or in the company of friends, these mats can be transformed in to modular floor chairs.

The inspiration

Sam Linders loves to sit on the carpet.He could sit on the carpet instead of the couch and watch TV like that.He probably wondered that there would be thousands like him.The challenge was to create something different and more comfortable that would provide support to the back as well.Thus, the Wobble–up was born.

He also recognized the reducing size of the living spaces, especially in the urban dwellings.A mat or furniture like the Wobble-Up could he a helpful addition to the living space.

The design

Sam Linders' Wobble Up (1)

Numerous design patterns may be created on the plastic punched sheets.Yarn can be embroidered in slanting, horizontal and vertical directions to create a variety of design patterns.This makes the carpets appealing and interesting additions in home décor.

The wobbling seats are fun to sit, especially for the people who prefer low height or sitting on the floor.Sitting on the floor for long durations may cause a mild backache.The transformability of Wobble-up into a modular sitting resolves that issue.

Sam Linders, a graduate from the Design Academy in Eindhoven,received warmreception in the Dutch Design Week for his unique concept.The Wobble-up carpets may not be able to fly but they definitely can change the way you sit.

Source : Contemporist.Com

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