A rocking chair that knits winter caps while you sit and relax

Wouldn't it be good if your seating unit could do something productive by itself while you sit?Enter   Rocking-Knit, an innovative rocking chair that knits hats for the winter season.Created byECALstudents Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex, the Rocking-Knit chair makes use of kinetic energy generated from the chair's to-and-fro motion to knit a winter hat while you relax.While you rock, the chair's motion puts gears above the head to work, thereby activating the system that starts pulling in yarn up from a spool under the seat to knit a beautiful hat for you.The rocker chair was showcased at ECAL‘s ‘Low-Tech Factory' show during Designers' Saturday in Langenthal, Switzerland.


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