Recycled wine bottle table lamp adds rustic sophistication to your decor

Designer table lamps are one of the best ways to add character and classiness to your home décor, and with a variety of them available in the market, it becomes a real task to find the perfect one.If you are looking for a gorgeous table lamp with green credentials, you might want to consider the new Table Lamp by Zuma Creations that has been made by reusing wine bottles.The newest addition to Kevin Sutton's line of handmade recycled wine bottle lights, this stunning table lamp has been made from a wine bottle, copper plumbing parts and lamp hardware.

A low-energy 11 watt Sparsam light bulb take care of the illumination and its lifetime is ten times more than that of a standard incandescent bulb.They have also added three small LED bulbs as night light, which you can turn on to suit your requirements.You can go for the raw, brushed or polished finish for the copper parts of the eco friendly lamp.The bottle is sandblasted and is available in green, brown or clear.You can custom order this handmade table lamp to suit your liking.

Cheers!Kevin Sutton

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