Rustic lamps to revitalize empty wine bottles

Ever thought, what happens to the millions of wine bottles drained down every day to douse the parched throats all over the world?There are a few creative minds who keep striving to carve something unique and productive out of the ordinary.Recycling the empty glass bottles, Chinese designer Jiang Qian has come up with an innovative lamp that not just gives a rustic look to your home decor but also helps in sustaining the environment.

Cutting the used wine bottles with a home-made glass cutting machine in different shapes and dimensions, the new lamp series is cost efficient and easy to produce in bulk for the masses.Reprocessing materials from local environment, the bottle lamps produce a pleasant glow to lit up the indoors in a classy manner, while the sanding finish of the surface makes the light smooth and trendy for contemporary spaces.

Featuring the base finished in cork, for its waterproof, anti-bacterial and insulating properties, collected from the local recycle station, the wine bottle lamps are just ideal for homes, restaurants, hotels and offices.Users can pick bottles of different shapes, sizes and brands according to their personal needs and likings.


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