RE: Light brings the beauty of nature indoors to your home

Gone are the days when we could easily reach out to nature and enjoy the idyllic beauty of green trees, meadows, serene lakes and rivers.The concrete urban jungle has encapsulated our lives and disconnected us from the beauty of nature that the soul craves.

RE Light (3)

The Re:Light intends to bring back the original beauty of nature back into your living room.It is a unique piece of furniture that intends to introduce ancient way of life, which was closer to nature into the lifestyle of modern homeowners.It offers a tranquil charm that no one can help but admire and desire.Its innovative structure has been inspired by tall trees which foster lives.

A lamp with an ideology

Unlike other contemporary table lamps, the RE: Light does not stop at providing illumination.It beautifies the living space by adding aesthetics that goes beyond utility and becomes a part of lifestyle.Apart from being aesthetically pleasing this lamp is also capable of making a part of your living space more comfortable.

RE: Light is a multifunctional piece of furniture that translates and reflects the aura of nature inside our interiors.The lamp comes with a table and offers a narrow beam of light sufficient for reading or writing.One can easily use it as a study table.If the lamp is put up then it will provide wider beam of light and create a lovely ambience for chitchat.

Minimalistic yet multifunctional

RE Light (2)

The minimalistic and multifunctional structure of Re: Light includes a table with three legs and a movable pendant lamp.The storage groove on the side of the table stores floor cushions.

This piece of furniture demands that the buyers use floor mats to sit in the cross-legged posture, which has almost become obsolete in urban areas.In ancient Eastern or Oriental culture it was a norm to sit cross legged on the floor for having tea or eating meals.Re: Light incorporates a bit of exotic in our lives by reviving this tradition.

Just like a tree

Influenced by the build of the trees, designers have modeled the lamp in the style of a branching stem and added splayed legs that resemble the roots of plants and trees.The color scheme of the RE: Light reminds us of the different seasons.

Thegreenone evokes the imagery of spring and summer seasons.The orange is symbolic of autumn and the white symbolizes winter.The table is in natural wood color and only the legs and lamp stem is available in these colors.

If your are someone who is fond of nature and wants to add natural elements in the form of furniture in your home décor then opt for RE: Light.It is a unique lamp that comes with floor mats and tabletop.

Source : Pantone.Com

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