Portuguese chair Valuma draws inspiration from caravels

Designer team of Jens Sievert, Nuno Oliveira and Paulo Fernandes wanted to create something unique inspired by the rich history of Portugal, and the upshot of their idea is the beautiful Valuma chair.A true Portugal-inspired chair, the Valuma has its name and design inspired by the caravels (small and speedy Portuguese ship of the 15th–17th centuries).The Valuma chair intends to narrate a small part of history when Portugal was discovering new regions.The shape of the Valuma brings to mind the hulls of a caravel, and the designer trio has used a cross-sectional cut, which allows us to see inside the chair.

The front of the Valuma chair is inspired by the famous Portuguese filigree and pays a tribute to the culture and customs.During the daytime, the hollow portion of the one-piece Valuma chair projects the shadow from the front panel to catch the viewer's attention.When night falls, the Valuma chair lights up and asks for instant attention.

The Valuma can be made in a range of colors and wood, and its removable front can be carved out of metal.The Valuma is expected to go into production in 2013.


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