The path to affordable housing for low-income groups

Eco cottage 1

It is always an issue to own a house for people having low income.Affordable houses are appropriate for such people allowing them to meet basic living costs.These houses are energy efficient and eco friendly, and offer basic facilities like kitchen, living room, and bathroom.An Eco cottage is an example of affordable eco friendly low cost home made of such materials that has lower energy needs.

Shelter being the basic need of people holds great importance in our lives.But some people cannot even afford to buy that.One can save a lot of money by employing renewable sources like solar energy, cutting down lighting and heating costs.

It is important for people to know about these houses before buying them.

Material used in construction

Need of building material is increasing day by day.Steel and cement used in bulk create a huge burden on natural resources.Use of bricks, wood and bamboo should be encouraged to save natural resources.Bricks and lime used in making a house lessen the burden of material cost.Recycled material is another good and low-cost material to built houses.Use of recycled plastic and metals makes beautiful, eco friendly houses.


These houses offers more doors, windows, and pre-installed solar water heaters allowing natural heat and light to come in, that keeps home warm and well lit with natural light.Less use of artificial heat and light sources saves energy and sunlight that is free of cost does most of the heating and lighting work at these home.

Small size and simple design

Affordable houses offer simple designs, as creative detailing and extra décor materials raise the budget level.Besides simple design, the house is small sized that save land, leading to build more affordable houses for more people.Contributing to environment becomes better as small houses are less energy and resource intensive.

Eco friendly

As these houses built up of recycled or natural material like sustainable wood or bamboo, they have less effect on environment.One can save energy by recycling many things we see around us.So using natural material in building houses not only saves costs, but also protects environment against pollution and other harmful effects.


Low cost houses fulfill desire of every such person who cannot afford to buy a luxurious house.House offers all basic facilities that one wants in daily life.Low price of houses also allows enjoying basic needs.

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