Pandora versatile sofa creates additional space in small studios

Unlike the name of the sofa, you would get pleasant surprises after un-boxing the piece of furniture.The number of elements that are included in the sofa can be increased or decreased at will and opening the Pandora's Box will ease your troubles.

The inspiration

Pandora versatile sofa (2)

Modern living, are the two simple words behind the inspiration of the Pandora.The designers of the product thought about the people living in studio apartments while creating it.Ofcourse, the sofa would be of same use in any sort of apartment or home, and would be equally appreciable too.In small apartments, a sofa is used for a number of purposes, like dinning, meeting, sitting, sleeping and more.The creators of Pandora got inspired to make a piece of furniture that would serve several purposes and would have a better design.

The multiple functions

This piece of furniture has the ability to transform into number useful pieces.Un-boxing the crate will give you three stools, one folding table, a sofa and a double bed.The beauty of the furniture is that all these are integrated into one.Of course, that was a big challenge to combine everything into one piece, keeping its cost minimum and not compromising on its beauty.

The appeal

Pandora versatile sofa (3)

There are six equal sized cushions,one three-seater cushion and two side cushions with the Pandora.Three cushions are for the back support of the sofa, three for the stools, which would combine to complete the mattress of the double bed.The two side cushions also serve as pillowswhile sleeping on the mattress.

From the armrests of the sofas,trays can be pulled out to keep a laptop or food for a meal.The central portion of the sofa pulls out take the shape of a double bed.Below this is a special drawer that justifies the name of the sofa.When you it out, three folded stools and a folded center table lay there.Help them stand on their legs and a seating for six people is ready.

To make the product cost effective and easy for mass production, the manufacturer chose MDF as the best-suited material.To maintain the aesthetic beauty, the sofa has a curved veneer sheet around its back.

Just like a man of many parts, the Pandora is ‘furniture of many parts'.The pun is intended.Anytime you wish to keep the sofa only, pull back the drawer and fold the table and the stools inside it.Isn't that great?

Source :  Behance.Net

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