Oval utility wall fixture by Lucy Yip is quite a utility

USA-based student of Rhode Island School of Design, Lucy Yip has created autility wall fixture that proves to be a must have for every home.Entitled as Oval, the all-encompassing is provided with everything required by any individual.Supporting an oval-shaped, the wall utility comes with powerful features including digital clock, thermometer, lamp, plants, humidifier and a mini white board.

All-in-one wall unit

Oval utility wall fixture (3)

All features concentrated around the size of an ordinary wall ring, Oval is a multi functional home accessory that cleverly combines design and technology with aesthetics.Proving to be optically balanced object, the best of all is that one can easily remove the various parts and arrange them, according to personal preference.

Adjustable Reading Light

The wall utility fabricated with reading light is also provided with slide-switch that allows users to adjust the level of lightning according to their persona requirement.Supporting a concave design it allows easy sliding while the anti-slip grooves make it stable.The night light with 90-degree design of lightning provides good range of emission.

Additional Features

Oval is designed to be an all-in-one wall unit that has additional features like color-coded thermometer that shows the currentroom temperature, while minim humidifier is able to provide mist for maximum three hours.The wall fixture also comes with mini whiteboardthat can be used to write down important numbers while the planter brings nature in your living.

Easy to arrange

Oval utility wall fixture (1)

Giving usersthe complete freedom to design and recreate the wall utility, one can remove the parts and can place them on study table.Pre-determined as highly practical wall utility, some of the items are still relying on each other.Proving to be both modular and customizable, the Oval is an ideal product for students and old age people, as the night light on the upper corner acts as a guiding light for safe landing in night.

Easy to mount

Easy to mount andfit, unlike any other utility wall, with Oval only circular frame requires wall mounting and that can be achieved with the help of single nail.Rest all features resting on the circular frame gives user freedom to integrate them according to their personal need and space requirement.

Offering freedom and practicality, the Oval utility wall fixture by Lucy Yip of Rhode Island School of Design has given a space saving solution to people living in compact spaces.

Source : Behance.Net

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