Motion Lamp bends to the needs of users

In this era of globalization where products and designs move from one place to another within no time, consumers often look for fresh and original products that help them keep aside from the crowd and maintain an individual identity.In an attempt to present something refreshing to the customers, Hungarian designer Gergő Kassai has come up with a sparkling lighting called the "Motion Lamp" that will surely captivate users with its invigorating design.

Featuring a flexible design, the lamp can be used as a table lamp, reading lamp or an ambient light to illuminate your place with a soft, pleasant glow.The lamp makes use of OLED technology to maintain a lightweight, ultra-thin body, which would definitely look stylish but at the same time elegant in modern living spaces.

The Motion Lamp not just incorporates latest technology and functions great but also looks cool, as it comes in two different versions, one in the form of a drop and the other an oval hole, giving a whole new dimension to a droplet.  The base of the lamp is made from plastic to hold it firmly!while the lighting surface in the middle is made using free-form silicone that lets you charge and twist it without any restraint.

Users can twist the lamp according to their tastes and lighting requirements, thanks to flexible wires and OLED technology.Offering optimum possibilities, the supple design of the light bends to the needs of the user and creates a close association between lamp and man.

[Cheers Gergő]

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