Mobel introduces VIUH lounge chair by Jouko Järvisalo

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Since 1979, interior architect Jouko Järvisalo has been designing furniture for many Finnish manufacturers.Working as the head designer and artistic director at Mobel, Jouko Järvisalo had a vision to create a lounge chair that captures the impression of movement and thus, theVIUHchair came into being.One of the newest members of Mobel furniture collection, the minimalist VIUH lounge chair was introduced at the Stockholm Furniture Fair 2013.

Conceived as a chair for airy spaces, the design was modified to ensure perfection.Mobel's entire furniture collection expresses the views of the designer without compromises.

Jouko Järvisalo VIUH chair 2

Jouko Järvisalo VIUH chair 3

Jouko Järvisalo VIUH chair

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