Miaomiao – Urban agriculture


Food security is usually under threat, especially when it comes to food security in urban areas.The threats include wide range of climate disasters, excessive food processing, genetic modification, and overuse of chemical insecticides.All these exert a negative influence on food security in terms of unbalanced food production.Urban areas are completely dependent on villages for food supply, as the cities and towns are devoid of ample spaces to be used for agriculture.In response to the problems of food security prevailing in urban areas, a device (Miaomiao) has been invented that can solve the problem of food security in urban homes and can make them green.

Miaomiao is a hydroponic device that lets urban residents derive pleasure from vegetable gardening in their homes.With this superb device in a home, the family members can get absolute organic and fresh vegetables whenever they want.The state-of-the-art hydroponic technology used in the device makes it extremely easy and effective to grow vegetables inside a house.

Miaomiao has a built similar to LEGO sets, as in you can connect them with their ends.Flexibility is a major feature of the device, which enables users to use it in two ways!either with a stand or by hanging it up in places that you find suitable in your home.Another very smart feature of this device is that the users need not worry regarding electricity to charge, as Miaomiao is a non-electrical device.The vegetables that you grow in this device are organic because you use liquid fertilizer in place of those harmful chemical ones.

To get started, you need to find a place in your home with sufficient sunlight where you can place the device.Then you need to choose whether you want to use Miaomiao with a stand or a hook, this decision of yours will largely depend upon the type and number of vegetables you are planning to grow.Now fill the pots with mud and coco coir and then plant the seeds or vegetable shoots.Make sure you irrigate the planted vegetables daily so that they grow at tremendous rate.You will be amazed to see vegetables growing so fast.All this is on account of the hydroponic technology that ensures a healthy growth of a plant, as it reduces the risk of pests and various diseases in plants.


Life in urban areas is too busy, too expensive, and with shortage of space.The only option people living in urban areas are left with is to depend on countryside for food supply.However, people could still find alternative methods like hydroponic gardens.

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