Mechanical Baroque desk/vanity with a secret button

If you are on the hunt for a classy, highly detailed table that functions as a desk or vanity, the beautiful Mechanical Baroque Desk/Vanity made byJR-Quality, LLCmight interest you.A private project of Jürgen Eberl, this artistic furniture piece resembles a table by Jean-François Oeben in shape and size.The mechanical desk/vanity table comes with a secret button that reveals all the interior components with one push.At the push of the secret button, the tabletop moves 8-inches back and the central drawer comes forth by 8-inches, thanks to the two iron springs and the smart mechanism behind the drawer.

The interior of the table can only be seen with the secret button, which makes it a great storage unit for your valuable stuff.The stunning marquetry on the Baroque Desk/Vanity features architectural and natural motifs.To create the table, Jürgen Eberl has used over 3,500 veneer pieces, which were cut, burned and assembled like a puzzle.When the clever mechanism is activated, the main drawers opens to reveal three parts, which can be used according to the user's needs.

The secret button sits discreetly at the bottom of this main drawer and is the key to the small, concealed drawer inside.The suggested price for the Mechanical Baroque Desk/Vanity sits at between $80,000 and $100,000.

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