Make your seaside home more beautiful with these design ideas

Just imagine you open the doors or windows and the first thing your eyes set on is the beautiful colors of the sky and the water.This is what you get when you have a sea facing home.Having water facing home or aseaside homehas its own benefits.You are not only blessed with the view of Mother Nature, but you also have the liberty to live in style.In comparison to any other type of home, the seaside facing home has to be designed to blend in perfectly with the natural surroundings.Here are a few ideas that can enhance the beauty of your home :

Choosing the right color and theme

The first and foremost important factor ofdecorating your homewould be to choose a color or theme that is subtle yet elegant.Colors like whites, yellows, oranges or even browns, light blues and other such pastel colors only help toenhance the look of the home.They not only add the color to your house, but if you blend them well together, you can get a theme, which matches your surroundings.

Accessorize the right way

When you have a seaside home, accessorizing it properly will only uplift the overall look of the house.You can choose accessories that reflect the sea such as fish designed table and cushion covers, décor made up of different seashells, or you can even make it a little more fun with a coral reef themed concept.  Paying attention to the way you accessorize your home will truly bring in a very different change.

Soft furnishing and slip covers

sea side home

Since you are living by the sea, using soft furnishing and slipcovers will be your best take.This is not only easy to maintain but you can always make your house look different and new just by changing your covers.One of the best things that you can do is use furniture, which is easy to maintain and fits perfectly with the seaside atmosphere.

Rugs and carpets

If you plan to keep rugs and carpets in your house, it would be advisable to ensure that you choose cotton based rugs.This is because, they are easy to clean and maintain.You can place rugs inside the living room or even at the entrance.Carpets are a good idea, but considering the amount of dust and dirt in the air, you would really need to give it a thought.Instead of having carpets all over the house, just use them in the living room or inside the bedrooms.

Paint, Wallpaper or tiles

Considering that this is a seaside home, you have to choose the way you decorate your walls wisely.While paint may be a good idea, you need to ensure that you use a paint that can sustain the humidity levels of the sea.Wallpapers on the other hand, are not only fun to have but can bring in a very different look to your walls.Tiles are easy to maintain and can enhance the beauty of the area where they are placed.You can create some awesome backsplash to your walls by using tiles, which have prints resembling different sides of nature.

Do not leave the outdoors outside

One of your biggest inspirations while decorating your house is the seaside, so you can reflect it in various themes and concepts for your home.A seaside home does not necessarily have to look very simple, by using different kinds of natural decorative items like cloth mesh, seashells, artificial corals, lantern styled lighting fixtures can give your house the authentic feel of coastal living.

Frames for your doors and windows

One of the biggest drawbacks of living by the sea is the humidity levels during the summer time.During the rains, it is even worst.Over time, wooden furniture starts looking very old and sometimes it might even fall out of place.This is why, when you are considering the frames for your doors and windows, it would be advisable to choose metal instead of wood.Not only is this easy to clean, but it also makes a perfect choice since you can easily get them painted again.Cleaning metal is a lot simpler than wood and it saves a lot of time.

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