Lithe wall clock lets time dance with its long hands

Lithe clock with long hands

If you are looking for a wall clock with a difference, you might love to consider theLithe Clock.Telling the time in a unique way, the Lithe wall clock by Studio Ve comes with very long and thin hands that bestow it with a smooth and soft flow.The hands rise, turn and bend to look like as if the clock is dancing all the time.The base of the Lithe has been done with delicate ceramics.At specific points, the shivering movement of the hands is simply mesmerizing.The Lithe clock was born out of the desire to share that feeling of time and the way people experience it.

The inspiration for the clock with long hands came from nature and the music wire used for pianos.The basic configuration of the hands is available in grass green or deep orange.For those who need something more luxurious, they can offer 24K gold plated hands.Moreover, you can also customize the Lithe Clock in any hand color, base, glaze and back engraving.

Lithe clock 3

Lithe clock

Lithe wall clock

Lithe clock 2

Lithe clock 1

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