Lightweight and multi-functional chair

Geometric furniture and transforming furniture units are making their way into our households faster than we can understand.This is a simple reason why designers are now more bent at creating geometric furniture units that have transforming functionalities.Shape changing furniture has its own advantages and the largest of them is that you can use it in more ways than one;Dice Chair is one such unit.

What is the Frame?

Dice Chair's is an irregular polyhedron designed seating unit you can use in any form (there is no correct way of putting it down).The Dice Chair has sixteen facets of varying sizes.Any facet of the chair's frame can be the base, and the other facets can work as the seating.

The tallest facet here measures 16-inches (height of a bar stool) while the lowest facets measures only 14 inches that makes it ideal to be used as a low chair.Interestingly, the widest facet on the Dice Chair is 20 inches, which allows its frame to be used as a comfortable lounge chair.

Using the Frame

The Dice Chair (2)

The Dice Chair can be used as a bar stool, a low char or a lounge chair by simply rotating the frame to suit your seating requirement.The chair comes with an easy wrapping goat leather seat, which is fastened around the facets by industrial strength Velcro hocks so that you are comfortable and secure sitting on the Dice Chair.

Benefits of the Frame

Using the Dice Chair is simple as you have learnt above.So, what are the other benefits (except for its ease of use of course) that make the Dice Chair an exciting furniture item?

The Dice Chair can be thrown around the house like a dice in a game of ludo.It is very lightweight and can even be moved by kids and elders.The Frame lets you as a homeowner explore new surprises that come with all the randomness offered by the Frame.

The Frame is 3D printed.The facets of the Frame are 3D printed by Printrbot Simple 3D printer and the joints are 3D printed from ABS powder.Each part is individually printed and later assembled to form the complete Dice Chair.

Lightweight from factor and multi-functionality is what makes the Dice Chair a worthy furniture unit for a home where space comes for a premium.The Dice Chair is only in its conceptual stage and it may take time before it's actually available for use at home.

Source : Behance.Net

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