Leave Your Christmas Tree Up Year-Round

Leave Your Christmas Tree Up Year-Round

A lush, green fir or pinetreeis one of the most loved parts of the winter holiday season, but when the year passes and the holidays are over, it can be hard to say good-bye.After all, if you're like many people with a tree, a lot of work went into putting it up and wrapping the lights.At the end of the season, taking the tree down requires another big investment of your time.Happily, there are many benefits to having some greenery in your home throughout the entire year.

1.Highlight Meaningful Holidays Each Month

ornamentsOne approach to leaving your tree up all year is to change decorations with monthly holidays.You could decorate in January with a snowy winter theme or ornaments that reflect time passing and the setting of goals.Highlight Valentine's Day, Black History Month, or the Super Bowl in February.You can highlight major holidays each month of focus on lesser-known celebrations such as National Protein Day or National Mac and Cheese Day.Don't forget that there's a wealth of religious and cultural holidays each month with symbolic ornaments or items that are meaningful to your family members.

2.Create a Family History Tree

Another approach is to focus on your family.The tree could be decorated in memory of grandparents or with pictures and stories ofancestors and family history.Take the opportunity to celebrate individuals as their birthdays come around.Use traditional birthday décor mingled with pictures and stories about the birthday person to create lasting, meaningful memories.Celebrations of important family anniversaries and other events can be highlighted with photographs, ornaments, and colorful decorations.Using the holiday tree to link the family's past to the present and future is a beautiful way to reflect on and strengthen family relationships.

3.Decorate Seasonally or Leave the Tree Bare

Leave the Tree BareIf you like the idea of leaving your tree up for the year, but you're not excited about changing the décor every month, you couldapproach the tree seasonallyand decorate it four times a year instead of twelve.Stick with winter, spring, summer, and fall themes to simplify the task.Of course, you could also focus on the tree itself.A beautiful spruce tree adds a touch of nature to your home, with or without lights.If you enjoy a rustic or Americana theme in your home, pine trees are a natural fit.

4.Choose a Good Quality Tree

No matter how you choose to decorate, the quality of your tree is one of the most important considerations.Choose your treebased on size, height, and type of tree.You can also consider accents such as flocking and lighting.Naturally, you won't be able to keep a live tree going for an entire year unless you have a young potted tree.For most homeowners, year-round trees involve a high-quality artificial tree, such asBalsam Hill Christmas trees, with options based on consumer preferences.Treetopiais another source of top-quality trees, or you cando your own researchinto various styles of advantages.

5.Create a New Family Tradition

decorate monthlyGive your home some year-round cheer by leaving your artificial tree up.You can choose to decorate monthly, seasonally, with a family theme, or you can simply focus on the beauty of the tree itself.For the best results, be sure you've found a great quality tree that looks real but doesn't drop needles.When you focus on holidays, events, and people who are meaningful to your family, the tree will be part of cherished traditions.It's easy to enjoy the warmth of the winter holidays throughout each month when you leave the tree standing all year.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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