Kristina Kjaer designs petite Fungus lamp using biodegradable materials

Fungus by Kristina Kjaer

When Danish product designerKristina Kjaer, who specializes in furniture, interiors and spatial design, felt the need for a secondary little lamp for her clothing rack, she thought of making one herself and ‘Fungus' was born.Showcased at the Stockholm Design Week, Fungus lamp has been made with natural, biodegradable materials, which bestows the lamp with a shape suggestive of the delightful fungi found in the local woodlands of her hometown.

Users can hang or knot the Fungus lamp to a bar.The little lamp comprises of a biodegradable felt screen in two shades of gray and an ash handle with a black cord.Designed as a secondary light fixture, Fungus can be used in any room where you need some extra lighting.

Fungus by Kristina Kjaer 1

Fungus by Kristina Kjaer 2

Fungus by Kristina Kjaer 3

Fungus by Kristina Kjaer 4

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