Klopf Klopf multifunctional furniture unit by Johannes Häuser

Klopf Klopf by Johannes Häuser

Considering the ever-increasing space problems in the urban apartments, multifunctional furniture units have become quite popular with the homeowners.Enter Klopf Klopf byJohannes Häuser, a multifunctional piece of furniture, which you could use as a kitchen unit, a desk, a bookshelf or a wardrobe.Designed for modern nomads, the Klopf Klopf has been made using three wooden pieces and clasps of different height and length.The assembling process does not need any glue or screws.

When you feel like moving to some other location, you can easily pack the Klopf Klopf unit for easy storage and transportation.

Klopf Klopf by Johannes Häuser 1

Klopf Klopf by Johannes Häuser 2

Klopf Klopf by Johannes Häuser 3


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