Kitchen countertop materials currently trending

Stainless steel kitchen countertops

With changing time, there has been a transformation in kitchen countertops.There are so many options available for making kitchen countertops that it can be quite overwhelming yet difficult decision to select the best.

While choosing good material is essential for your kitchen, you must know all the benefits attached to it.If you wish to make any changes in the kitchen countertops, here are few top and trendy materials that can make beautiful kitchen countertops.

Marble countertop

One of the most highly priced materials for making countertops is marble.Marble has some properties that make it excellent material for making kitchen countertop.It offers an elegant and clean look, albeit it does require attention and maintenance.Taking proper care of the marble countertops will make it last for longer years.Marble is highly resistant to heat, which makes it a good substance to use in the kitchen.

Marble also makes kitchen more appealing as marble itself looks beautiful.You can use different colors for making kitchen countertops.Black cabinets with white marble countertops look great.All the benefits and beauty attached to marble, people quite like to decorate their kitchen with this material.

Stainless steel

Out of all the materials that we use in making kitchen counter tops, stainless steel is the most hygienic one.Stainless steel is resistant to almost anything like water, heat, and even bacteria and germs.While working in a kitchen, there are chances to build germs and bacteria.With stainless steel, you do to have to worry about germs and dirt.You can also enjoy the perfect tailored look with stainless steel, as you can mould steel to make any design.


One of the new and trendy materials for decorating kitchen countertops is Quartz.Quartz comes with many benefits apart from looking beautiful and appealing.It offers higher resistance to water and bacteria than any other material.Quartz is quite tough material, which makes it a perfect material for kitchen countertops.Kitchen countertops need to be hard and strong, so that it do not damage with time and last long.All these benefits make Quartz a trendy and suitable material for making kitchen countertops.


Granite is a natural material, and it makes the perfect material to make the kitchen countertops.Granite looks appealing that adds value to your home.It is highly resistant to heat so you do not have to think twice before putting hot utensil on it.Granite has one added advantage that it does not depreciate in value with time.Apart from looking luxurious and elegant, it is also easy to clean.You just need a soft cloth and mild soap to clean granite kitchen countertops gently.With all these advantages, granite is quite trending in market as kitchen countertop material.

Recycled glass

People these days are attracted towards more environment friendly material to make attractive kitchens.A person who likes to go green, recycled glass is a perfect material to make kitchen countertops.Recycled glass comes with many benefits.It is resistant to water and heat, which is good for making kitchen countertops.It comes in different designs and colors that make it a good material to make kitchen countertops.You could probably try some customization options to make your recycled glass countertop suit your taste.Besides, there is an advantage in using glass: it adds elegance and style to your décor.Of course, you might need to be more careful about the maintenance, but it's a small price to pay for the advantages this offers.

Selecting a best material for your countertop might be difficult, but little knowledge about these materials and knowing what is trending, you can make beautiful countertops for your kitchen.

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