Kitchen accessories you should replace with the latest one.

Fragment cups and bowls​

We often take no notice of the kitchen accessories and use them for years and years.It's easy to ignore the errors of your kitchen items as it cost you tons.But there are many items in your kitchen which you should replace so that you can cook efficiently and save a lot of money.Using the same cookware and accessories can save you from buying new but also can cost you on energy.There areimportantkitchen accessoriesyou should replaceat regular interval so that it doesn't affect your food and health.

Here is a list of some of the kitchen utensils which you should pay close attention to.

The plastic containers

The plastic containers

Plastic containers are the most dangerous kitchen accessories we have in our kitchen.BPA, a chemical compound used in the plastic making is being considered most harmful for health.It is the host of most of the health issues such as heart diseases, obesity and many more.When you use plastic containers for food, BPA pours out into your food causing all health problems.

First of all, never heat or microwave food in a plastic container as heating can increase the effect of chemicals in it.You should check and use your plastic container or instead use thelesser plastic product.Instead, glass and steel containers are best.If you still wish to use plastic containers, make sure to go for BPA free containers and always change it on a regular basis.

Dish towels and sponges

SpongesImage Source :

You all have heard the saying that a kitchen sponge has more bacteria than your toilet sink.This is one Kitchen tools that should be replaced on a regular basis.It is covered and home to millions of bacteria and they are among the filthiest things in your kitchen.  Even if you wash the sponge with soap and water, or using dishwashing liquid also has no effect and still, bacteria extend in your sponge.

Instead, there are some methods to sanitize the sponge by soaking it in the bleach solution.Use one part bleach and nine parts of water in a container.Wash it after with water.So, when should you replace kitchen essentials?Make sure to replace the sponge and do not use it for more than two weeks.

Chopping boards

Chopping boardsChopping boards are one tool in the kitchen which we can use for a lifetime.Some people think that chopping boards can be used for years and years and there's no harm using it, especially when it's of wood.But, it's not true, chopping board whether it's of wood, fiber or steel has same effects.And it's one Kitchen tools that should be replaced regularly.

Simply using soap and water cannot clean your cutting board as the hard cuts and scratch from knife they get invites bacteria and it's difficult to disinfect.Cutting boards are cheaper and replaceable so, as soon as you observe too many cuts on your board, it's time to get a new one.

Nonstick appliances

Nonstick-panNonstick pans and pots are easy to use and of course, it saves energy.But be careful how you use them.Heated nonstick pans release toxic fumes which again affect your health and can make you sick.Other than that, heated pans having scratches also discharge colorless fumes at a lower temperature.The flakes and scratch in the pans can damage food and could even create health risks.

Some of the nonstick coatings contain PFOA, which is a danger to health and it is something you don't want.So how often should you replace things in the kitchen? You just have to pay attention to its condition.If you notice any flakes or rust in your nonstick pans, replace it immediately so that it doesn't trouble you in future.

Water bottles

Water bottles

Water bottles sound good as it's agood investment for your kitchen.It is convenient to use, keeps you hydrated and can be used for years and years.But replacing water bottle at regular interval can help keep you healthy and safe.

You should wash your bottles every day with a proper brush.Make sure to invest in an extended brush to help you reach the bottom of the bottle so that you can clean it properly.Numbers of bacteria make their home in it.Make sure to replace your bottles when it shows serious signs of wear and tear.Always notice the bad and funky smell in the bottles and get it replaces soon.

Fragment cups and bowls​

Everybody has their favorite crockery at home which they don't want to replace.But if it's chipped or broken, it's time to say goodbye to these items.Broken crockery is dangerous and it can cut your lips or fingers.Some antique crockery's come with dangerous paints that contain chemicals like lead which can again affect your health.Little flakes of lead can ruin or coffee and direct to various diseases.So keep your attachment at the side and buy new cups and bowls for your kitchen.

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