Kineo kinetic lamp lets you control light intensity with its hinges

Hardly a day passes when we don't get to see some stylish, stunning and innovative lighting fixture for the contemporary spaces.Desined byAsli Ozcivelek, the Kineo kinetic lamp is one neat design that is surely going to turn more than a few heads.The Kineo could be used both as tabletop lamp or a pendant lamp.The highlight of this eye-catching lamp is its kinetic features that let the users control the intensity of the light coming out from the lamp.When a user moves the hinges upwards, the main body holding the light bulb gets closed, thereby reducing the amount of emanating light.

When you bring down the hinges, the process opens up the lamp and allows the lamp to radiate maximum light.The designer has used laser cut acrylic and wood pieces to create the prototype of the Kineo tabletop/pendant kinetic lamp.

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