Is your home ready for the winters?


Wintersmean freezing cold temperatures, sudden storms, heavy rainfall, snow, hail, and frost.You have to stay indoors most of the time as there the days are much shorter, and you can enjoy the warmth of indoors with your family.A few simple preparations cankeep your home warm, and ensure your safety, health and comfort.  As winter temperatures are dropping every year, you have to do all that you can to avoid pipes from bursting.You must make sure that all the plumbing is in place.Here are somewinter preparation tips for your home:

Ensure fire safety

electric blankets

Heaters, fireplaces, electric blankets are all potential fire hazards which can cause burns or injuries, so you must always use them with care and follow the instructions.Keep tablecloths, curtains and beds away from heaters.You should use only one appliance at one power point, and turn it off when you're not using it.Don't leave any candles or flames untended.Installingsmoke alarms adds to the safety of the house.Do have a fire escape in your place.Store firewood away from wooden stoves.Wooden stoves should be at a distance of at least 36 inches from unprotected furniture, walls and firewood.

Check heating fuel levels

Don't wait for the winter to begin, make a stock of heating fuel, do it now when the prices are low.Stock your oil, propane, firewood and so on, so that you are prepared.You should not postpone it to the last minute.If you do so then you'll paying much more money.Use seasoned firewood and not wood that is ‘green', as it increases the chances of a chimney fire.

Clear outside vents

You probably have not checked the heating vents and any other vents during the summer, but you should make sure that these are clear of any debris or weeds.These could block exhausts and hamper their function which in turn increases the risk of poisoning due to carbon monoxide.

Put cold weather and snow removal gear in the car

Winter preparation tips for your homeinclude putting all the snow removing gear in the car.Also, keep some extra mittens and a flashlight in the car, as it gets dark early in winter, and a shovel, in case you have to dig yourself out.

Reverse ceiling fans

Reverse ceiling fans

If you can reverse the direction of the rotation of the ceiling fans, it would reduce your electricity bills a lot, as ceiling fans are much more cost effective than heaters.The reversed ceiling fans would bring warmer air towards you and make the room warm.

Clean the chimney

Make sure the chimney is winter ready before you're hit by the cold weather.Get it inspected by a professional for cracks etc tomake your home ready for the winters.In case there had been a fire in the chimney and you didn't know about it, the professional can detect it and advise you to take the necessary steps for safety.A thorough cleaning will reduce chances of a chimney fire, which can be quite damaging.

Use a humidifier


Desiccant dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air and heat up the room in the process.Make your home ready for the winterswith a dehumidifier that can also help in getting rid of mould.

Winterize doors, windows and attic

Thechecklist of your home inspection before the wintersmust have this important point.Seal all the cracks and make sure the attic is well insulated.This will help you in saving heating costs.It could also reduce the chances of ice dams.Ice dams are formed when the water located at the eaves freeze and form dams of ice and icicles.This prevents snow from melting and halts water from rolling off your roof.Thus, the water collected runs into the ceilings and walls, which causes intensive damage to your home.

Seal all the windows and doors through which heat might escape.Good insulation can help to keep energy bills in check.

Cover external and internal pipes with insulation to prevent them from bursting.Go over thechecklist of your home inspection before the winters, and ensure that you have not left out anything.Be cozy in your warm home all winter without any worries, as you're now well prepared for it!

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