Is time to update your bathroom?


If you've redecorated your bedroom and living room, had a new kitchen installed and perhaps even had a go at the under-used dining room, what's next?The bathroom of course.

The nature of the bathroom means that it's often hot and steamy, so over a certain amount of time you might end up with mouldy walls and grimy tiles.If you're not sure whether it's time to update your bathroom, here are some of the top signs to look for.

Low water pressure

There's nothing worse than starting your day with a bad shower.When you turn on the shower and step in, only to be greeted by a measly drip, it hardly sets you up for the day ahead.If your shower acts as an early morning wake up call, you'll want something with plenty of power.If you're planning to update your bathroom, take a look atelectric showers from Mira Showers.

Old fixtures & fittings

Do you have to sit very carefully on the toilet so as not to move the seat?Is your toilet roll sitting on the windowsill because the holder has snapped?Are the toothbrushes lying on the sink as there's no cabinet?An outdated bathroom doesn't just get you down!it can also make the place look unsightly.

You're miserable

It might surprise you to know that your interior décor can have a bigimpact on your mood.If the rest of your home is beautifully decorated to your tastes and is light and airy, making you feel positive, but the bathroom looks like it's walked straight out of the 1970s, you're likely to get a bit down about it.If you find yourself getting miserable when you go to the bathroom, it's definitely time for a change.

Selling up

If you're selling your home, you might want to update your bathroom.The two most important rooms in the property to buyers are thekitchen and bathroom.So, if yours is looking a little outdated or old-fashioned you could be putting off potential buyers.It's worth making the bathroom colour scheme quite neutral and ensuring that all the fixtures have been modernised.

We use the bathroom for all sorts of things: doing our make-up, enjoying a relaxing bath, getting dressed, moisturising, shaving and the more obvious calls of nature.Yet, despite it being one of the rooms we go in the most throughout the day, people often forget to update it.So next time you go into your bathroom, look for the signs and see whether it's time for a revamp!

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