Interactive Ignite light responds to slight vibrations

Designed byRaz Sadeq,Momo MiyazakiandKat Zorina, the Ignite light is not just another regular lighting fixture.It's interactive and responds to the surroundings.The Ignite lamp draws inspiration from candle flames and wind chime movements for its focal feature.When the Ignite light comes in contact with the slight vibrations like wind or the touch of hand, it starts flickering.When you hold particular shapes, the Ignite light turns on and off, thanks to the use of Arduino board and sensors that have been made from aluminum foil and 8-ohm speakers.The speakers capture the slightest vibrations from the wind or touch, and flicker the lights.

The complete set features 12 lights that have been divided into four groups, with each group having its own set of sensors.Raz Sadeq, Momo Miyazaki and Kat Zorina are attending the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.

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