Inspirational ideas of elegant architecture and decor for living rooms

Theliving roomis the most prominent feature of the house.This is also the first point of contact that any person has with your house when they come in.Decorating and designing your living area wisely and elegantly will help you to make a good impression.Keeping it as open as possible and investing in the right furniture and/or accessories will help and benefit you.

To get an inspirational idea of how you candesign your houseis not difficult.In fact, if you have an eye for designing, you will even know how to convert and blend in two or more ideas together to for a single one.Here are some individual ideas that you can use to combine or blend in together to create a space of your own.

The architectural benefits of long windows for the amazing view

Some people are blessed with an amazing view just outside their house.Considering how important it is that you should choose the right architectural design for your house!why not consider making long windows or sliding doors instead of having all three walls.You can use one side for a shorter window while the longer side can be used for a sliding door.You can convert the side that has the solid wall into a seating zone.This will give you and your family a nice and peaceful feeling.

Mix and Match your seating arrangements

Instead of wasting money on buying a brand new sofa set of the same color, you can consider mixing and matching colors and prints.Whenever you want to make a change, all you have to do is move the furniture around.This way you can break the monotony and make your living room looks different every time.The mix and match concept is useful when you have a big space and want to work with colors wisely.

Gold or silver lighting options / accessories

Bringing the elegance and royalty into your living room is not difficult.Gold or silver lighting options / accessories are the perfect ideas that can blend in any theme of concept.It also serves the purpose ofdecorating the space without investing too much.When you purchase any lighting fixture / accessories, you can easily convert a simple looking room into a modern and classic touch.With this concept, it will add the elegance and royalty but also make the space look simple and classic since you do not have to make too much of investment in decorating the space.

Dealing with cabinets and shelves

We all have a collection that we would love to display in our house.If you have space for bulky furniture, you can consider having long or short sized cabinets placed near walls.For people with space limitations, opting for glass shelves will be a better idea.This way you can save up on space and keep your living room restricted to the bare necessities.It will also help to make your living room look bigger and better.

Play with colors and wall arts

Brining in a change every now and then to the walls can be a good way to change the appearance of your living room.It is not possible to paint your walls every time.A smart way to deal with this situation is to play with colors and wall arts.Choose contrasting color options for your upholstery and curtains that you plan to have in your living room.To convert a simple wall into a new look, consider doing a wall art by yourself.You can also play with wooden frames, mirrors and other such decorative pieces while making such a change.

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