Illuminated Corolla: Recycled glass vases by Sabatina Leccia

Illuminated Corolla Collection Sabatina Leccia

Sabatina Leccia, Paris-based 28 years old French artist and designer, creates brightly colored products with unique silhouettes keeping environment in mind, which bring to mind the idea of transformation.One of her fascinating works is Illuminated Corolla, a collection of vases made in collaboration with the glass blower Matteo Gonet.The limited edition vases have been handmade with recycled glass and each piece in the collection is one of a kind, thanks to their unique shapes and use of bright colors.

TheIlluminated Corollacollection is a hangers-on of her "Eat The World Up" project, which aims to communicate that we are consuming too much and too fast.

Illuminated Corolla by Sabatina Leccia

Illuminated Corolla Sabatina Leccia

Illuminated Corolla vases

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