Ideas to make your attic the fun zone of your house

Home office

Atticshave a lot of space, and most people use it to store extra furniture and things which you don't use anymore.Well apart from just storing things, you canconvert your attic into a fun zonefor your family and make it into an interesting space.The slanted walls and angled ceilings can be used in an innovative manner to add to the element of fun.

Attics can be a space for everyone to sit and relax.It can also be a space to go to when you want some space and want to be by yourself.It can be a much-needed play room for the kids, with all their toys and stuff contained in one space, and not cluttering your home.Check some ideas to transform your attic into a fun zone:

Home theatre

Home theatre

Your attic can be converted into your very own home theatre zone.All of you can enjoy watching the latest movies in your new home theatre – just put in some love seats or recliners or any other comfy furniture and you're done!


All girls love playhouses, and your attic can be a real playhouse.You can decorate it with the playhouse theme, complete with tiny furniture and shelves with toys, her favourite soft toys and dinner set.


attic converted to gym

Your attic could be the fitness centre of your home.You can take advantage of the sloping walls to convert the attic into a fun, rock climbing area.You can put in a treadmill or your stepper to make into a complete gym.This gym can be a great place for the whole family to meet and bond.

Astronomy centre

Putting in skylights will give you a great view of the night sky.Install skylights which can open, and put in a telescope.You, your kids and friends can have a great time looking at the stars and the constellations.Add a tent and a mattress and you can have an astronomy camp right at home.

Kids' playroom

Kids' playroom

The attic can be a great play area for the kids.You can choose a simple, rustic decor which can take a little rough handling, hang a loop on one wall, and give your kids a free run of the place.You can choose carpet tiles for easy maintenance and soft and colorful cushions.

Add a mattress, so that your kids and their friends can rest, when they need to.Adding a working board and table will let your kids finish their homework there too.A tepee will make it more fun for the kids, especially the younger ones.

Performance corner

Your kids can out up shows if they're dramatically inclined.With an entertainment centre, you can have movies night or karaoke night, whenever you choose to.

Extra bedroom

Extra bedroom

A home can never have enough bedrooms, as you must know well.The attic can be an extra bedroom when you have family over for the holidays.Theattic can be an extra bedroomfor one of your kids, or a perfect sleepover space.Decorate the room in bright colors, add some cabinets to store things, and of course the beds.You can hang a swing from the rafters, which your kids will love.

Music studio

For music lovers/artists or professionals, you can turn your attic into a music studio.You can record and mix your tracks.The attic is well-suited as a music studio as it is a separate area, away from the household noises.

Home office

Home office

Your attic can be a secluded home office.You can work in peace and have your own space to work with concentration.Having a dedicated work space is essential to increase productivity, and your attic can be the perfect workspace.

Use every inch of space

If you're wondering where to store things if you convert your attic into a kids' room, then you can create interesting storage that merges with your design.You can have a bunk bed using the steps too as storage space, and create a fort your kid can hide in beneath the bed.Add as many cabinets and shelves, which can help store all your things.

To convert your attic into a fun spacein the simplest manner, you just need to add some colors on the walls, a comfortable bed and lots of cushions, and enjoy playing with kids, or just have some quiet time.

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