Ideas to make your zen room more attractive and comfortable

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We all know how important it is for us to have a comfortable sleep after whole days of tiring work.A Zen bedroom is what we desire to relax and enjoy our sleep.You always look for an uninterrupted sleep with comfortable furniture.It is very important to know that what you like to have or what you not like to have in your Zen room.Zen room must have all the qualities that give you peace of mind and relaxation.Here are some useful tips that will help you to make your room more attractive and comfy.

Paint your room with earthy colors

Paint the walls of the rooms with earthy colors such as green, brown and beige and are also referred to as neutral colors.Try to have flooring made of hard wood or bamboo.

Keep your room clean

Do not clutter your room, as positive energy cannot flow where the rooms are messy.Remove all the piles of the clothes and paper stacks.Keep the windows and the doors open of the room so that energy can easily throughout the room.

Decorating the room

Depending on the choice of Zen atmosphere you want, decorate walls with pictures and antique pieces in the room.However, remember to not overcrowd or clutter the space.Opt for Japanese theme as they have simple designs and if you want Thai or Indian theme then place huge pieces of art made of gold.Some of the common furnishing items that you can use in you Zen rooms are wooden mats, paper lamps and incense burners.

Let nature be a part of room

Use the nature theme by installing the bamboo plants, Zen gardens or you can use sand with pebble stones.This enhances the layout of décor by letting in nature.If you have sleep issues then you can have a waterfall on the tabletop that promotes nightly white noise.

Leave all your bothering at the door of the room

As soon as you enter the room, leave all your worries at the door.Make a list of the things that worry you that you can sort out tomorrow with a solution.This will clarify all the problems and will help you to deal with them.

Use comfortable bedding

Use pillows that give you comfortable sleep and puff your pillows in any geometric shapes you desire.For Indian theme, use pillow cushions that are vibrant.


After working hard whole day, we look sleep that comforts us and gives us the energy to work again.The tips that have been listed give you various ideas of decorating your bedroom and making it a Zen room.

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