Ideas for Converting Your Room into a High-Tech Media Room

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The Internet has really changed the way we used to look at home video and has saved us from those numerous trips to the video store, as we now can have entertainment at the click of a button.This is all thanks to high definition TV and now you can head straight to your home theatre to catch the latest movie.Here are five such high tech ideas that will help convert your living room space into a swanky media room:

The Classic Cinema

You can now experience a movie theatre experience inside your own home with the classic cinema installations.To give your media room a more comfortable feel, add a couple of rows of the real movie theatre seats to give an original experience.Add in a soda fountain and a popcorn machine along with red velvet curtains that are remote-controlled- and voila you have a classic cinema for yourself.

Professional Theater Screen

For getting a great movie experience, you need to have some high tech pro-consumer theatre screen, although the market is flooded with a vast selection of high definition TVs.You can select out of the various screen materials but remember that quality and price go hand in hand.Some screens are meant to give the authentic dark room theatre experience, while others are better for well-lit rooms.Consult a home theatre expert to see which screen is suited to your media room.

Digital Projection

You will undoubtedly have many HDTVs to take your pick for your media room, but if you spend some extra money then you can opt for the retractable home theatre screen.The digital projector is something that most high tech media rooms opt for.The price range of these projectors ranges from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars- and the cost is proportionate to the quality.The expensive versions of the digital projector will give you sharp theatre quality but even the less expensive ones are good too!


A high tech media room is incomplete with the perfect sound system to match it.At times, many people tend to overlook this aspect, but sound is a vital add-on for getting a great theatre experience.Some experts would opt for mixing and matching components, while novices generally opt for the home theatre in a box.


You cannot think of reducing volumes if you truly want the home theatre experience and for this, you would want to go in for soundproofing your media room.The loud surround sound would surely get your neighbors upset or disturb people in the other rooms of your home so ensure that you put in extra money and soundproof your media room.Not only will insulation prevent noise from disturbing your neighbors, but it will also improve the sound quality in the media room itself.There are various options to choose from for soundproofing ranging from soundproof wallpaper to fabric panels.


If you have the right equipment and are able to stream the move online, then you have a high tech media room going in the comfort of your own house!No longer are media rooms just for the rich as the high tech equipment has become more affordable and commonly available for those who want to invest in luxury.

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